Monday, March 4, 2013

We Are Faced With The Paradoxical Fact That Education Has Become One Of The Chief Obstacles To Intelligence...

Bertrand Russell states in his quote that, beca physical exertion of how we are taught to do things in school, breeding does not help us think freely. He believes that thither are major obstacles in our commandal system that keeps us from thinking outside the box. That we do not use our brains to it’s wax potential. Rather, it is to a point where we use our brain for complemental simple tasks then forgetting it, not adding any room for improvements or helpful innovations. I agree to the terms of what he is saying. If we still now base what we know on what we defrauded from school, and not establish and expand our horizon, we will not be able to use our imagination as much as we would like to.
The education in grade school is usually base on a set of rules we get hold of to follow step by step, with very little room for “thinking outside the box.” In elementary school, my teachers would tell us the answer to any dubiety when it came to schoolwork. This did not at all help one learn by their selves, or even simply how to find something by researching it. Also, by doing so, causing one to be lazy and have a bun in the oven that you could simply ask someone for something and they will automatically have the right answer and give it to you. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

In middle school, my projects were based on following a rubric made by a teacher and doing exactly what it says. This only led to doing things the teacher’s way and not the way we would like. Therefore, we are remaining to think inside the box and not allowed to explore bleak and different techniques. This was not education at all, but much along the lines of following more rules formed by others.
A similar, if not almost the same, quote from famous writer and speaker Jiddu Krishnamurti states that “Merely stuffing a lot of information, making him (her) summersault examinations, is the most unintelligent form of education.” meaning that a somebody can be book smart, but yet lose common sense. Also that teachers are NOT teaching, rather just giving them a book...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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