Monday, March 4, 2013

War And Technology

Your fast(a) is negotiating a licensing agreement with a chillyan firm that will include sharing your patented information and engineering science with the Chileans. You have been asked by your supervisor to research and prep be a report on patent protection laws in Chile and the extent to which the laws are enforced. Prepare a memo that includes the quest information and provide references for the sources you consulted.

The import policies of Chile has a by and large open trade regime. Chile applies a uniform ad valorem tariff of 11 percent on imports from wholly countries with which it has not already negotiated free trade agreements. Chiles tariffs are bound at 25 percent ad valorem. However, some significant barriers do exist. Chiles major border measure barriers are in the rural sector. Chile makes a price band system for chaff, wheat flour, vegetable oils, and sugar. This variable tariff system is designed to maintain domestic prices for these commodities within a predetermined band, delaying the impact of changes in international market prices on Chilean producers and consumers. Chile besides imposes minimum customs value requirements for imports of agricultural products on occasion, in response to low world prices. Further, imports of used automobiles are prohibited. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

musical composition Chile does not generally subsidize exports, it does employ a number of export promotion measures to help non-traditional exports. Chile provides a simplified duty drawback program for non-traditional exports, which does not reflect tangible duties, paid on imported components. This program has been determined to be countervailable under U.S. law. Chiles export promotion measures are primarily intended to expedite and simplify the paperwork involved in the export process. The Government of
Chile also provides exporters with quicker returns of value-added taxes than it provides to separate producers. One such export promotion measure lets all exporters defer import duties for up to...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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