Monday, March 4, 2013

Alcohol Advertisement

Lang Dobson
ENC 1102

Thesis statement : Alcohol advert should not be allowed to be display on local anesthetic ad because its causes an high influence rate for young teens for pocket-sized drinking that is lead to fatal deaths .

1.Topic excoriate A : advertizement increases alcohol consumption, which increases alcohol abuse
In 2003, the alcohol beverage industriousness spent much then $1.1 billion on advertising , including $394 million on ads in snips (Nelson 357).
specifying a demand billet for advertising space.regression are estimated that are condition on magazine characteristics and readership demographics including the percentage of youth in audience (Nelson 357).
In media acquittance that reach audience with more then 15%percent minor(ip) youth result in in all over exposure to alcohol ads two report by the federal trade commission (ftc 199,2003)advocate a placement threshold of 25% as a best practice response by alcohol companies,and a report councils institute .(NRC 2004,P 138). is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

Topic sentence B: The Alcohol Industries place 608591 ads in 205592 unique advertisement time slot on national cable network
In 2004 to 2006 the years following adoption of industry guideline to annul audience mode then 30% under tidy suming audience beer and spirits ad place increased compared with 2001 to 2003.
both boilers suit in time slot with audience composed of more then 30% underage viewer alcohol ad placement decrease, but this shift coincided with a rise to lateralisation of a few brands the resulted in disinvestment.
we examined whether ad incidence in a given advertisement time slot was associated view ship ,the percentage of the audience that was age 12-20 years aft(prenominal) we controlled for other demographic

3.Topic sentence C: analysis data on alcohol advertisement in magazines and youth readership and concludes that alcohol advertisement in these magazine are not targeted at underage youth
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