Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The most known psychologist for attachment theory is John Bowlby. He has defined attachment as Lasting psychological data link between human beings (Bowlby, 1969, p. 194).

According to Bowlby, it is very important to attain a secure attachment for a shaver during his betimes twelvemonths for psychological, social and intellectual development. So he gave The accompaniment Theory and explained the importance of the attachment in children.

The infant and teenaged child should experience a warm, intimate, and continuous relationship with his start (or permanent mother substitute) in which both find gratification and enjoyment (Bowlby, 1951, p. 13).

According to psychologist Mary Ainsworth, attachment may be defined as

An affectional tie that one person or animal forms between himself and another specific one a tie that binds them together in space and endures over time.

hamper is not just a connection between ii people; it is a bond that involves a desire for fastness contact with that person and the experience of distress during separation from that person.

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after(prenominal) studying the definitions by renowned psychologists, we can say that the child shows certain doingss to maintain the proximity to the person(mostly mother ) he/she is disposed to. Like clinging, smiling , crying when separated from mother and hold off seeking the attention of mother or substitute mother. This behaviour can be called as Attachment behaviour.

1. Macfarlane found that Infants as young as 10 days can particularize their mothers from other people. As they show their preference towards their mothers breast.

2. Smiling - In the first half of the first year of life, child smiles at everyone who approaches him. In second half he changes his behaviour toward strangers.

3. Shows preference towards familiar faces.

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