Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Balancing Family and Work Life

balance family and build life

SOC 402

Eboni Hill
June 25, 2012

Balancing family and work life
Over the retiring(a) few decades, the things have changed when it comes to work life and family life. Years past men were the providers while women stayed home to tend to the children and the household. Due to the modern recession as well as the divorce rate, a lot of women now have to take on the purpose as provider, plus find the time to take condole with of the household. Not only is it women, but men as well. This day and age, balancing family and work life an affect a mortals work environment. As you read along, I forget bring your attention to Tamika, a individual(a) mother who has to chemical equilibrium both work life and family life. I will excessively introduce you to a married couple that both work and has to decide how to split the house work. In the end I will explain some changes that can potentially be made to solve the problems that affect a persons work environment.
Balancing family and work life has effects on both family and the channel. Studies indicate that employers sometimes perceive women as much likely to allow family demands to interrupt work. (Giraffe, 2011) Lets facial gesture at Case study #1: Tamika. Tamika is a single mother of two. She is also a working mother. Tamika has a genuinely demanding job. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

She is a General Manager at a very well-known hotel corporation, so she can be called in at any given moment. Tamika works 8am-5pm Monday through Friday and usually every other weekend 7am-3pm. However, she has been called in due to low mental faculty numbers on several occasions. Here is the problem that Tamika faces. She does not spend enough time at home with her children and if she cuts patronage on work, she may not have a job in the end. So it seems as if she has to make a election when all she needs to do is learn how to balance the two.
Balancing work life and family life is easier said than done. When talking with Tamika, I learned that her 12 year old son started messing up and acting out...If you want to get a full essay, set out it on our website:

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