Thursday, March 7, 2013


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Case Study Guidelines For Year One Studies


In Year One you will be required to incline three case studies at module ten. The learning outcomes and gimmick of the case study should follow the Chrysalis Marking and Grading Guidelines that get to been supplied to you. The length of the case studies should be within 10% of the news show count of 2000 words per case study (not including the screeds). Case studies be a very important part of your final diploma. Case studies should only be done on the issues that you stir cover in the year. They show us several things regarding your work:
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That you have learnt and been able to apply the theories and skills that you have been taught to a therapeutic situation
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3. You can seduce a treatment plan for the client and work successfully and ethically within this framework
4. You ar fully aware of the take of your skills and are willing to refer a client on when you or your supervisor feel there is a contend to do so
5. You fully understand the need for supervision and are willing to speak to your tutor on a unfaltering basis and heed their advice and comments
6. You are able to analyse whatever process that you would have done...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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