Thursday, March 7, 2013


Gene Zeagle
University of Phoenix
Facilitator: Jen Morris


Punishment doctrine is different thoughts on figuring step up how the barbarous justice system stop deal with criminals and what they can do about them for the hope of a better America. A judge has a lot of thinking to do when it comes to use these philosophies when an accused psyche went through a trial and clip for sentencing.
There are iv recognized punishment philosophies; deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation, and retribution and these philosophies are made to pr plaint aversion from happening. These are the four well known philosophies but some people even consider restoration a school of thought, as well. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

The deterrence philosophy is to give the offenders a punishment that will keep them remote from repeating their behavior and also basis the effectiveness that a criminal will realize that the punishment outweighs the crime that is deprivation to be committed, which in turns stops the criminal from proceeding with the crime. determent is not to be looked at just by the offender but by the people in the community as well so they know the same will be done to them if they do such a crime; resembling a warning sign. The incapacitation philosophy is for individuals who are repeat offenders and they should be jailed or incarcerated to reduce crime and protect the community. chthonic this philosophy, house arrests and in-patient treatment programs are also considered incapacitation. The rehabilitation philosophy is another way of trying to teach an accused person not to commit any more criminal acts. The popular is better served when the accused is given more options and resources to stop criminal behavior. The retribution philosophy is based on the severity of the crime that was committed. It is not...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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