How to write a response to literature essay poses a big challenge to most of the international students in the world class universities such as Cambridge, Oxford Universities and Stuart Mill American Institute of Technology.
This is attributed to the mere fact that majority of the international students who are admitted from non-English speaking nations are not taught how to speak nor write in English at the preliminary stages of their development. For this reason, they can neither express themselves nor write simple sentences in English. These international should not be mistaken to be dumb on the basis that they cannot talk and express themselves strongly like their counterparts from English worlds but should be given specialized tutorials by their respective course instructor on a one to one basis.
In spite of the incessant calls from all quarters of the educational institutions to have the second language speakers be given a special opportunity to advance their skills and mastery on the language that English is, very little has been done to this effect. It remains the biggest paradox that the administrations of universities and colleges that have attained the much coveted status of international recognition such as Oxford and Cambridge has adamantly failed to provide complementary educational programs for the international students to learn English language which is necessary for the academic excellence in literature.
Although the future might seem so gloomy for these students, online companies are coming up to help the disadvantaged lot learn English language at the convenience and comfort of their private studies at any given time of their choice. Long live online tutorial and writing services.