Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Visa Letter

Tianjin&TEDAMaple& flip out&Interna3onal&School& No.71,&3rd&Avenue&TEDA,Tianjin& 300457&R.P.& china& butt&18,&2012& Canadian&Embassy&Immigra3on&Sec3on& 19&Dongzhimenwai&Dajie&Chao&Yang&District& Beijing P.R.&China&100600& close&Visa&O?cer My&name&is &ZHOU&Rùnf?.&I&am&a &student&in &Tianjin &TEDA&Maple &Leaf&Interna3onal &School,& a &licensed& Bri3sh& Columbia &school.& I &would& like &to& practice& for& a &student& visa &to& begin& university&in&Canada&in&late&August&2012. Being&a &student&in&the &Canadian&educa3on &system,&I &want&to&go&to&a &Canadian&university& to&get&a &Bachelor&of&Business.&This &is &because &my& drive&has &a & pabulum&company&in&China,&so& I&want&a &be[er&ability&to&manage &this &factory.&For&this &reason,&I &applied&to&the &University& of&Alberta&for& compu3ng&science,&and&I & leave alone&transfer& to &Business&in&the&second&year&of& university.&To& acquire&in&Canada&will&give&me&another&point&of& forecast&in&this&global&climate. It&will &take &me & 4& eld &of& flying field&in&Canada,&and&I &will &ensure &I&will &do &my&best.&I&will& return &to&China &a^er& I &get& my& business°ree,& because &I &have &family& in &China.

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& I &will& manage &my&fathers &food&company&a^er&my&four&years &in&university,&so&I&will &go&back&to& China&to&help&my&father&to&create& more&ideas&on&business. Overall,& if& I & really& get& an& opportunity& to& study& in& Canada,& I& will & be& extremely& glad,& because & Canada & has & umpteen& new& things & and& I & can & learn& these & things & to& help& my& hometown.& also&I&will&do&my&best&in&the&university&because&I&wont&lose&this &opportunity& to&improve&myself.& Thankcyou&for&considering&my&Canadian&student&visa&applica3on. Yours&truly

ZHOU&Rùnf? Grade&12&student&at&TTMLIS

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