Monday, March 4, 2013

The Metric System In The United States And Its Adv

The metric system is a decimal-establish system of measurement units. Units for a given quantity, such as length or mass, be related by factors of 10. No one decided the unify States should go metric. As stated in the amended cargonful Conversion Act, continued map of traditional systems of weights and measures is still permitted in no business activities. However, metric system use has suit widespread throughout our economy. Consumers may be surprised at the number of items in everyday use that have been manufacture in metric units for some time. Since trade and communication with other nations is critical to the health of our economy, adopting the measurement system used by 95 percent of the servicemans population is not a matter of choice, but a matter of extremity for the United States. Support for a decimal-based measuring system has existed in the United States since the 1700s. However, there was no compelling reason to surrogate because of our geographical isolation and because our principal trading partner, England, did not use metric units. In time the United States became a overriding force in world trade and was able to inflict its products, manufactured in their unconventional units, on other nations.
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We no longer overwhelmingly dominate world trade and must recognize the need to fit our goods and work into other strong commercializes, including the European Union, the new markets of Eastern Europe, and the expanding market of the Pacific Rim. These markets continually stress their preference for products and services based on the metric system of measurement. During conversion to the metric system, U.S. companies are able simultaneously to streamline their operations, eliminate inefficiencies, and reduce their inventories. Because products bandaged for both foreign and domestic markets can be designed and manufactured to the same (metric) specifications, overlapping product lines can be eliminated. The standardization of fasteners,...If you want to get a full essay, put together it on our website:

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