Monday, March 11, 2013

Teen Suicide

Teen Suicide

What is teen suicide and how it ensnare to the people from 17-25 eld old? Why do so many four-year-old people attempt suicide?
In order to make seen you more about teen suicide, I’ll tell you know about marks of teen suicide. On of the symptoms is a style counterchange – warning signs can include changes in eating or sleeping patterns, withdrawal from friends and family, drinking or dug practice session, passing game of interest in favorite activities, or giving away(p) valued possessions. Another symptom is personality changes – common moods move anger, anxiety, or depression. Other changes to look for include aggressiveness, hopelessness, boredom, difficult concentrating, or an unexplained decline in school performance. The last symptom of teen suicide is health problems like headaches, weight expiry or gain.
Let turn to the causes of teen suicide. No causes and effect relationship has been established in the midst of suicide and the use of alcoholic beverage and drugs, but eh consumption of these agents is often a contributing broker to suicide for several reasons. The use of alcohol and drugs may turn away inhibitions and impair judgment of a person contemplating suicide and then make the act more likely, and alcohol and drug use aggravate other risk factors for suicide such as depression. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

Furthermore, alcohol can be involved with suicidal behavior in a number of ways. Use prior to suicide, alcohol can ease a person’s vexation of death and give him the courage to kill himself. It can be taken together with medications to increase the lethality of the drugs.
Moreover, a connection between suicide and homosexuality has long been recognized in the touristy culture, reflected in music, movies, theater, and other art forms. Gay men were lots more likely to have attempted suicide than straightaway men.
One of the major cause of teen suicide is electric ray control. Gun put at risk large numbers of young people who consider suicide.
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