Monday, March 4, 2013

Standing Wave Formation on Guitar and Bass Strings.

A2 physics coursework.
Standing wave formation on Guitar and basso threads.
Introduction and initial plan.

Last year I in particular enjoyed a demonstration showing the formation of standing(a)(a) waves, I realise more recently that I form standing waves all the time when playing Guitar or Bass. This clearly gave me eye socket to undertake a physics investigation. I considered what factors must issuance the formation of these standing waves or harmonics and thought how i could enquire the relationship between them. The factors effecting the standing waves are: oscillation frequence, wavelength, string tension and linear string mass. Immediately i realised that the tension in a string could be sanely simply controlled with a simple mental block arrangement and by and by discussion i realised i could control the frequency of oscillation with a vibrational generator.

Preliminary experimentation.

There are many different standing wave forms each with a different number of Nodes and Anti-nodes and initially I assumed that the more or less simple to create and analyse would be the first harmonic. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

basically my method was to use a frequency generator to part a vibrational generator, i controlled the frequency and used this to take for a guitar string oscillate. The tension in the guitar string was change by masses attached to an end of the string on the other side of the pulley. I varied the tension in the string and measured the frequency needed to achieve the kindred standing wave. I did this with a number of strings.
I came across a few minor problems in my experimental design. initially it proved difficult to keep the string parallel to the desk which i wished to do in order to avoid gravity acting unevenly across the string and possibly affecting the standing wave formation. To solve this problem i mounted my pulley on a retort stand...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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