Friday, March 1, 2013

Plant Competition Lab

The Effect of the Number of Seeds on the Height, Mass, and the Amount of Plants That Germinate

This lab was conducted to sample how the meat Marigold and Zinna seeds in a pot can salmagundi the height, mass, and the amount plants that grow. If the number of Marigold and Zinna seeds decrease; then the height of the plants leave behind increase, the mass will decrease, and the amount of plants the germinate will decrease. The information accumulate for lab B is shown below. It was hypothesized that if there were less seeds in the pot, then height of the plant would increase, and the data below supports that. It was likewise hypothesized that the mass of the plant and the amount of plants grown would decrease with more(prenominal) seeds, and I reject that hypothesis.

From the class data table I found several numerical trends. The first one I found was that in pot 1, all the Zinna seed set were the highest compared to the other pots. I also noticed that if there was a higher amount of seeds in the pots, then their values were invariably higher than the ones with less seeds. While looking at the just mass per plant, I noticed that in for each one of the pots the numbers racket shrunk to smaller values. The less the number of Zinna seeds, the lower its data would get. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

I found that the lowest values came from the Marigold plants in pot three. Lastly, by looking at the class average data table, there wasnt an exact seed that grew better than the other. The data collected could have been false and not accurate due to the amount of water given to them each day. One pot whitethorn have got more water than another, which could affect the way they grew. another(prenominal) error that could have occurred was the way the seeds were placed in each pot could have been different. If you packed down the soil on top of the seeds too hard, it would have been harder for the plants to germinate therefore touch on the concluded data. One last thing that could have alter the data was if the amount of sunlight distributed to...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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