Thursday, March 7, 2013

Personal Theory

Running head: Integrative guess Paper

Integrative Theory of Counseling from
From a Christian Worldview
LaVelle Figueroa
Liberty University

COUN 507 TD SO1 200640
Course cod encounter 10/18/09
Instructor Dr. Glenna Dunn
Submission date: 10/
Personally, I believe that a comprehensive scheme of counseling should integrate include psychology, theology and spirituality. As rise a comprehensive theory of counseling must too address the major traits that constitute our personality. It also will inspection and repair us understand the different types of personalities that exist and how they affect the manner of our counselees so we aid their transformation process. Factors that cause illness are broad but through multitasking counselors can gain discernment in different domains. By using techniques from the psychological field of study in conjunction with theological truths while being witting of a persons core spirit a therapist can combine all disciplines to help clients. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

Employing a Biblical worldview to counsel leads clients down the path of hope and interchange in Jesus Christ
COUN 507/PACO 600 Theology and Spirituality in Counseling

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