Friday, March 1, 2013

Natural Hazards

GEOG 206: Human Dimensions of Natural Hazards

Earthquakes in many individuals minds argon 1 of the deadliest hazards that are threatening their lives. There are many groundless quakes which have occurred in the past such(prenominal) as in Northridge Los Angeles in 1994, Kobe Japan 1995, Bam Iran 2003, Gujarat India 2001, Kashmir 2005, Izmit Turkey 1999, and many more. In this essay, I will discuss the physical description of an earthquake, how much remediation they can cause and how human are contributing to them. In addition, I will take Gujarat, India 2001 as an in-depth example and make out the strength, duration and damages, of that earthquake.
Physical Description: By definition, an earthquake is the palpitation of the earths surface due to the underground volcanic activity. It occurs when there is a sudden release of energy from its source. Earthquakes are different from each other and they have their own characteristics such as location, magnitude, depth, type of fault, mechanism of fault rupture, and direction of rupture. fit in to the book I have read, a single earthquake may release energy that is equivalent to hundreds or thousands of nuclear blasts and may cost billions of dollars in damage. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

There are ii different measures that evaluate earthquakes; their magnitude and intensity. The magnitude measures the absolute sizing of the earthquake, meaning it evaluates the energy that is released by the earthquake. As the magnitude of the earthquakes increase, there will be a greater shaking. The duration of the upshot will also be longer and it will restore a larger area. One of the famous magnitude scales use today is the Richter scale. On the other hand, earthquake intensity describes the set up of the ground shaking. This measure usually describes how different types of structures are touched by the shaking of the ground. In most cases, the intensity of earthquakes is superior at the epicenter and decrease as we move by from that...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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