Monday, March 11, 2013

A Civilized Society

How to Make Cambodian Society Civilized
Civilization is the development of virtually(prenominal) culture and society. A society is made up of wads of sectors such as technology, teaching method and economics, and they are keys to a true society. Technology, economics and education have to be at a standard level if there is any chance to fence with other countries. When a country has these sectors developed, it is a civilized nation. Therefore, to brighten technology, education and economics at a standard level, Cambodia has to receipt exactly what are the problems slowing down these sectors development and solutions to the problems.
primary of all, Education can be improved in some ways. Cambodia can retrain instructors to better the educational organisation. These days, many a(prenominal) teachers big businessman not be qualified which affects the ashes of education. During Khmer Rouge, the country anomic most of its meliorate citizens, so a large flake of teachers could have been killed too. Intellectuals, professionals, and monks were tortured and executed, eliminating nearly an entire generation of the countrys educated people, the article, The Challenge Why Educate Cambodia? stated (The Challenge). Moreover, count materials office have been almost completely destroyed too. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

Therefore, not many people who survived the regime could continue or start to study to complete their professions. One of my high school teachers once told me that later Khmer Rouge, he had had to study under trees and used charcoals as pens. In addition, there were fewer teachers left, so untrained teachers had to be called to facilitate reconstructing the nation. Today, most of those untrained instructors may still work in the educational system which will hold up the systems development. Nevertheless, it is possible to send those unqualified professionals to foreign countries, where education is already developed, to be professionally trained again so that the educational system will be enhanced. If this particular system is...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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